BKK Fishing Log

Fishing expeditions of the team and BKK friends to remind us why we do all this!

At BKK we love anglers’ stories and we believe that taking the time to read through them like we used to do with paper magazines is something to cherish.

If you want to submit your fishing adventure for us to publish, please shoot us an email at info@bkkhooks.com with a description of your catch using BKK hooks, and relative photos and/or videos.

The King of Kings

Saltwater fishing is just another league if you’ve flicked lures in freshwater rivers and lakes for the big chunk of your angling experience. The beauty

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Chasing Toman in Malaysia

Commonly known as giant snakehead, toman are fairly big freshwater predators second to none in terms of voracity and aggressiveness. Despite the size that rarely

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